How to get your bathroom renovated quickly and efficiency

Many homeowners have a perception that large remodelling bathroom is more accessible and efficient compared to remodelling and a small bathroom, apparently renovating a bathroom is easier when considering some other aspects such as space, cost and operating efficiency, a small bathroom c contains almost the same elements as a large bathroom. To achieve this, design ideas have to be applied concerning space optimisation and proper portioning.

Planning considerations

Usually, the bathroom can be categorised into the powder room, full bath, guest bathroom, master bathroom. In case a homeowner requires renovating and remodelling the bathroom into a more convenient and saving on space, it will be more comfortable and cost saving if he hires his/her contractor (plumber. Electrician etc.). Instead of paying for general contractors. At the same time, you will be able to work hand in hand with your contractor and performing the remodelling according to your recommendations.


Choosing and buying materials

The best way of reducing the cost is by doing quantitative research on materials and also buying them on your own. By doing online research from local retailers, you may get the goods you require at discounted prices. Hence make your remodelling job much cheaper and much faster.

Process overview

To save on cost and time, a homeowner should have a general plan on the remodelling process; this includes from the start of the process up to the end .he should also have an overdraft on the expected cost, time and the amount labour which would be required.

Some of the best design tips for better and more efficient bathrooms include:

(a) Use of a corner sink-a sink which is set to fit in a corner can be great for space saving especially in small bathrooms.

(b) Extending the counter -3extending the shelf over the toilet could be an excellent way to save on space .this will create room for products storage such as tissues and air fresheners

(c) Use of shower curtain or sliding doors-use of doors that pivot on hinges may not work well for a small bathroom. Instead one should use a sliding door or a shower curtain for efficiency.

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